I love how each of my bags/ wallets that I have tells a story. My Louis Vuitton wallet, for example, was my first designer purchase ever. I went into the Bloomingdales store with my mom when I was a freshman or sophomore in high school looking for a wallet, and I decided that I wanted to save up to get a really nice one. I somehow convinced my parents that if I didn't get it right now that it may sell out and I would never have the opportunity to buy it. So they got it for me and it sat in the safe for about three months until I could eventually pay it off. When I got it, I was so incredibly excited and proud that I somehow had the will to save that much money instead of spending it elsewhere. To my amusement, it's still available: Louis Vuitton Victorine Wallet Monogram Empreinte Leather.
A family friend of ours gave my mom the denim Louis Vuitton bag as she no longer wanted it. My mom never really used it so she gave it to me. I held onto it for a couple of years and now I love to use it and get so many compliments when I bring it out of the closet. I guess it goes to show how things can come back into style.
My mom and dad like to call my Off-White Black Diag Mini Flap Bag my "paperclip bag," haha very funny. I got enough money after my graduation party, where people probably expected me to use the money for college, but I found promo codes for Farfetch and scored a pretty good deal. Now I know it is insanely small, but it works pretty perfectly for me. I don't carry around that much besides my phone, wallet, and maybe a lipgloss. I prefer a smaller bag to a larger one that I may have to lug around all day. Available here
I have this new thing where I love to find vintage bags in little boutique stores all over the world. The woven bag on the left with the gold is from a small town called Feilding in New Zealand where I got it for 25 NZD, talk about a bargain. The white bag with the little flowers on it is from a vintage store in Bloomington, Indiana, where I got it for $30. The 1950's piece was an unexpected find for me and goes to show how I keep finding more and more cool places in the surrounding area of Indiana University.
Here are some cute vintage bags online:
Elsa Hosk stated, "I would never wear a look that was all the same designer. I always wear at least one thing that is vintage. I dress according to my mood, and I usually spend money on the basics, like leather jackets, handbags, sweaters and shoes."
The bright turquoise Tory Burch bag was a gift from a family-friend for my 8th grade graduation. It was the first brightly colored bag that I have ever owned, but I love the pop of color in my wardrobe. I get so many compliments and I think that it is super fun to style with outfits.
Here are some fun other blue bags:
"Balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we'd feel naked in public without it." - Carrie Bradshaw